1. Eiskaffee
Eiskaffe is a traditional German coffee and it literally means ice coffee – it’s a delicately sweet drink enjoyed outside on warm summer days.
The receipe is dead simple – you add 1-2 scoops of good-quality vanilla ice cream into a large glass, pour 150ml of coffee (either iced coffee or cold brew) over the ice cream and add a generous helping of unsweetened whipped cream. You can add sweet cream if you like it extra sweet and feel free to add chocolate shavings or even cinnamon on top as a garnish. This recipe will vary depending on where you are – some places add coffee ice cream or even a dash of rum for that extra kick.
Serve with a straw and spoon and enjoy!
2. Turkish Coffee
Turkish coffee is a huge part of Turkish culture and is popular in many countries that used to be part of the old Ottoman Empire; it’s served in a very small espresso-type cup without milk or cream and is very strong. For a twist, you can add a pinch of cinnamon or cardamom.
Combine 90ml of cold water with 1-2 teaspoons of turkish grind coffee in a Turkish coffee pot called a cezve or ibrik (you can add a teaspoon of sugar here for sweetness). Put it on medium heat on the stove for 3-4 minutes just before the boil; you’ll know when it’s done as the coffee will be thick and frothy. This texture is iconic to Turkish coffee so it’s important it’s brewed correctly. Turkish coffee beans are ground fine almost like powder and you can buy them from your local supermarket. You can also buy traditional (light or medium roast) beans and grind them yourself – Arabica beans are most commonly used.
Serve with a glass of water, which acts as a palette cleanser and a sweet dessert.
3. Barbajada
Barbajada is a Milanese coffee drink that consists of chocolate, espresso and whipped cream; it’s simple but beautifully rich and strong.
The quality and type of chocolate you use will impact the flavour; traditionally you’ll need a dark, rich chocolate to intensify the coffee. The espresso beans should be a strong, dark roast like Robusta beans.
Mix together ¾ tablespoon of sugar with 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder. Add 100ml of milk to a pan, mix in the powdered ingredients and place on medium heat. Then add the coffee, which can either be 7 grams of finely ground espresso beans or 1 shot of pre-made espresso.
Continually whisk together on the stove until it’s hot and frothy then pour into a glass, top with whipped cream and enjoy!
4. Galao
Galao is a sweet and creamy Portuguese coffee consisting of ¼ coffee and ¾ foamed milk so the measurements will be dependent on the size of the serving glass.
Measure out the milk, which should be ¾ of the serving glass and put this in a pan and bring to the boil. Add the milk along with 1 shot of espresso into a tall serving glass and note, there should be little or no foam on the top.
Serve with a sweet or savoury Portuguese pastry and enjoy!
5. Café Touba
This is a strong and spicy Senegalese coffee drink that combines Robusta coffee beans with spices to create an intoxicating drink that is a must try!
To make the beans, roast 100 grams of Robusta coffee beans together with 10 grams of Guinea pepper and 10 grams of clove (optional) in a metal pan. Roast until they darken evenly and leave them to cool; once cooled, grind finely in a mortar or coffee grinder.
Now for the brewing! Boil 200ml of water and place 2 tablespoons of the coffee into a fabric filter over a pot. Pour the water through the filter (carefully) so it seeps through in the pot; let it drain fully then repeat this process 2-3 times to intensify the flavour.
Serve just as it is but with lots of sugar.
6. Espresso Romano
Espresso Romano is a very simple coffee; this is one shot of espresso served in a traditional espresso, or small cup, and with a slice of lemon. The lemon is generally on the side ready for the drinker to squeeze into the coffee but sometimes it’s run around the rim of the cup too.
The lemon is a great addition as it intensifies the taste of the espresso – Arabica coffee beans are most commonly used that are roasted a bit lighter than traditional espresso. We’d recommend an African origin bean that has a fruitier flavour profile.
No-one quite knows where this originates but it’s said it comes from Americans trying to cover the taste of bitter espresso – probably using dark roasted robusta beans.
7. Ca Phe Sua Da
This is a Vietnamese iced coffee that is intensely strong and sweet; it’s made using a Vietnamese coffee filter called a ‘phin’.
Add 3 tablespoons of condensed milk into a glass. The condensed milk sweetens the coffee and makes it creamy. Next, we brew the coffee; generally medium ground, dark roast Vietnamese coffee beans are used – Café Du Monde and Trung Nguyen are popular brands. Vietnam is the worlds biggest exporter of the strong robusta bean.
Put 2 tablespoons of coffee in the bottom of the coffee press, screw the press on tight so the coffee is compact inside. Pour in 230ml boiling water (or until it’s full) , pop the little hat on the top and wait for around 5 minutes for it to drip through. It’s worth the wait… the longer it takes, the stronger it is. I had this on my trip to Ho Chi Min, and I did have to ask someone to show me how to make it, but no doubt – the Vietnamese make great coffee!
Once done, stir and pour into a tall glass with plenty of ice.
8. Ipoh White Coffee
This is a Malaysian coffee from the small town of Ipoh – it has become increasingly popular among those who like a milder, sweeter tasting coffee.
The beans are roasted in type of palm oil and they’re roasted for a shorter time at a lower temperature. This process ensures the beans are less acidic, not bitter and they have a unique nuttiness to them.
The coffee is brewed similarly to traditional white coffee; 2 tablespoons powdered coffee beans are added to 230ml boiling water and rather than use fresh milk, the Malaysians use condensed milk (as much as suits you). This really adds to the sweet creaminess and this can also be served over ice on particularly warm days!
9. Yuangang
This is popular drink in Hong Kong, combining Hong-Kong style milk tea and coffee. Generally, nowadays the ratio of coffee to tea is 1:3 but can be amended depending on preference.
Milk tea in Hong Kong is very strong; 2.5 tablespoons of black tea leaves are brewed in around 340ml boiled water and strained several times to increase flavour. Ceylon black tea is commonly used but any strong, black tea will do. It’s then combined with condensed milk for sweetness in a similar style to English tea.
For the coffee, you can either use 1 espresso shot or 80ml of brewed coffee – preferably something strong like Bolivian drip coffee.
Pour the coffee into the mug then fill the rest with the milk tea and serve with sugar to tase. This delicious drink can also be served over ice if you need a caffeine kick on a hot day.
10. Red Eye Coffee
Red Eye coffee is very strong American coffee that mixes coffee with espresso to give you a kick on the days you don’t want to get out of bed.
A single shot of espresso is added to a normal cup of drip coffee. The flavour is intense, it’s very strong and definitely not for the fainthearted! Espresso adds the strength and a medium amount of caffeiene, while the drip coffee on top adds volume and a significant additional kick of caffeine.
It’s not served with milk or cream and you can add sugar if preferred.
11. Long Black
This is a black coffee, considered an alternative way of brewing an Americano – we have a detailed post on how to make it here. It is found commonly in New Zealand and Australia. It’s strong and aromatic and is traditionally served without milk or cream although sugar can be added for taste.
This is a simple recipe; just add around 120ml of hot water into a mug then pour a double shot of espresso over the water. It should have a thin layer of crema on top, which is a silky froth that sits on the top of black coffees.
Like any espresso, good quality beans are best; Arabica beans are commonly used as they are slightly less bitter and acidic so they’re perfect in a black coffee.
Once ready, serve immediately and enjoy!
12 Café Au Lait
Café Au Lait originated in France but now there are a multitude of variations; even different countries have their own names for it. In New Orleans they add chicory into the mix making it especially strong and bitter.
Café Au Lait is traditionally made with strong brewed coffee from a French press mixed with steamed milk – the ratio is 1:1 milk to coffee.
Make a cup of coffee in the French press using 1 tablespoon of any strong, dark, French roast coffee and around 140ml water. Steam 140ml milk without creating much foam and pour the milk and coffee into the mug at the same time, which mixes it perfectly and means you don’t have to stir it.
Serve immediately (usually in a porcelain cup if you’re in France) and with sugar.
13. Dalgona
This deliciously light and sweet coffee originates from South Korea but went viral during the COVID-19 quarantine as people challenged themselves to make it at home (to fill the Starbucks-shaped hole that we all have in our lives).
Add 2 tablespoons of hot water, instant coffee (any coffee works well here) and granulated sugar to a bowl and whisk together. This is quicker with an electric whisk but you can do it by hand… just be ready to feel the burn! Whisk vigorously until the mixture is light, fluffy but dense. Fill a glass ¾ of the way with ice and ¾ of the way with cold milk then just dollop your sweet, coffee mixture on top.
This can be made as a hot drink or if you want an alcoholic twist then add 1-2 tablespoons of Baileys in with the milk.
14. Espresso Freddo
This is a delicious Greek iced coffee that is so simple to make – it’s light and foamy without dulling down the aromatic coffee flavour. Quality espresso beans like Arabica are generally used.
Add 5-6 ice cubes into a shaker and pour 2 shots of pre-made espresso on top (to add sugar, dissolve it into the espresso). Put on the lid and shake for 5-6 minutes until the ice cubes have melted, the coffee has swelled and a dense foam has built up.
Once done, strain the coffee mixture into a tall glass filled with ice, serve with a straw and enjoy!
15. Frappe
Frappes are a Greek iced coffee and currently one of the world’s most popular drinks. They come in all sorts of flavours, styles, sizes and vary from shop to shop and country to country.
Brew a double shot of espresso and put it into a blender along with 170ml of milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar and top the blender until almost full of crushed ice. Start blending on a low speed and gradually increase until the drink is nice and frothy. The traditional Greek method is very similar, but they add a dash of cold water and shake by hand to create the foam.
Pour into a glass, top with whipped cream and serve with a straw. From here you can add all the syrups and toppings you like!
16. Café Con Miel
A sweet and creamy Spanish coffee drink with a spicy twist! It’s usually reserved for an after meal sweet treat.
This requires strong coffee made in a French Press so Robusta beans, or a blend, are perfect here as the other ingredients will soften the bitterness.
The ratio is generally 1:1 coffee and milk so make a normal sized cup of freshly brewed coffee (1 tablespoon of coffee and 230ml water) and add this in a pan. Along with it, add half a serving cup of milk, 2-3 tablespoons of honey (amend depending on how sweet you like it), a dash of nutmeg and 1/8 of a teaspoon of cinnamon (this is optional).
Put on the stove and heat on low to medium until the milk becomes frothy but don’t allow the mixture to boil.
Pour into a cup and enjoy.
17. Café Americano
An Americano is almost identical to a long black but with a few differences; it’s quite strong and flavoursome but the Long Black typically has less water and the ingredients are added in a different order. With an Americano, the espresso shot is poured first into the cup, followed by the hot water. Some cafés add a lot more hot water than in a Long Black making quite large drinks (think about your Venti from Starbucks). The crema, which is visible on the long black is not present on the Americano as the water following the espresso mixes this into the body of the drink.
Not served with milk or cream but add sugar if preferred.
18. Vietnamese Yoghurt Coffee
In Vietnam, this yoghurt coffee is called Sua Chua Cafe and is immensely popular. It’s a very strong and flavoursome coffee but is also very creamy.
This coffee is made using a phin filter, in the same way as Ca Phe Sua Da using 2 tablespoons of Vietnamese coffee; Trung Nguyen is a popular brand, but if you can’t get it, just choose a quality Robusta based bean.
While it’s brewing, add 100 grams of plain yoghurt and 2 tablespoons of condensed milk into a bowl and mix gently. Add a few handfuls of ice to a serving glass, add the condensed milk and yoghurt mix and pour the coffee on top.
19. Arabic Coffee
Arabic coffee generally refers to the way it’s brewed and there are many variations across the middle east.
Boil 230ml of water in a dallah, which is a small Arabic coffee pot. Remove the dallah from the stove for 30 seconds to cool; grind some medium roast Arabica beans to a course setting, add 2 tablespoons of ground Arabica coffee and place back on the stove on a low heat. You will find different suggestions about the grind level, and you can experiment, but remember the finer the grind, the quicker the extraction of the flavour and caffeine when immersed in water. We are boiling this for several minutes, so a courser grind makes more sense to us – but see what works for your taste!
Leave the coffee to brew for 10-12 minutes without it boiling – the coffee-scum will start rising to the top and that’s normal. Alternatively, if you’re just trying this coffee – use a small pan with a cover for boiling the water.
Remove from the stove and let it settle then add 0.5 tablespoons of crushed or ground cardamom and place back on the stove until it has nearly boiled again; more scum should rise. Leave to stand for 5 minutes so the sediment settles, then pour the coffee carefully so the grounds and spices stay at the bottom, alternatively you can strain it into a cup.
Serve in a small, handle-less cup and it’s traditionally served with something sweet like dates. Sip it slowly – it’s strong!
20. Cappuccino
A cappuccino is a world-renowned coffee originating in Italy and it’s made of espresso, steamed milk and about 2cm of thicker milk foam on top. It is actually one of the more technically challenging espresso based drinks to make, and you will need an espresso machine to make a proper version. There are many cappuccino hacks out there, which can get you close to the real thing without an espresso machine, but that’s another story.
There are different variations to a cappuccino; you can have it iced or add cinnamon. You can also vary the milk and foam ratios to make wet and dry cappuccinos. We have a detailed and complete guide to the Cappuccino here.
Make 1 shot of espresso and pour into a cappuccino mug which is about 140ml (5oz) then froth 120ml of whole milk (half should be steamed and half should be foam). This is a process in itself; your steam wand should be just below the surface of the milk – see our full cappuccino guide that shows you how in detail.
Once complete, add the milk to the espresso, pouring carefully ensuring there is a thick layer of foam on the top. You can then dust with cocoa powder.
21. Kopi Luwak
Kopi Luwak is an Indonesian coffee that is particularly well-known because of how the beans are made instead of the brewing method. The Civet cat in Indonesia eats coffee cherries, they travel through the digestive system and then the cats produce little coffee nuggets, hence why it’s also called Civet cat coffee.
The beans are outstandingly expensive and are said to be very aromatic, nutty with almost a chocolate feel to them. Unfortunately, as the coffee became popular, many Civet cats are now being caged to aid in mass production. However, there are certified sellers that are not supposed to mis-treat the animals so it’s worth doing the research if you really want to try this.
Kopi Luwak is traditionally made in the same way as Turkish coffee; in a cezve and brewed in exactly the same way. It is also commonly used in espresso machines, drip coffee makers and French Press’ and is served without milk, cream or sugar.
22. Café Brevve
This is a very rich and creamy, almost dessert-like American version of a latte that uses half and half rather than milk. Half and half is a blend of whole milk and light cream.
Pull one shot of espresso and place into a (preferably) warm cup and then go about steaming and frothing the half and half. These coffees are either served in cappuccino cups or latte cups so depending on which you’re using, you’ll need a different amount of half and half. For a smaller cappuccino cup, use around 110ml and 170ml for the larger, latte cups.
When steaming the half and half, it needs to be thick and glossy with lots of foam. Once done, pour the half and half very gently over the espresso and spoon the remaining foam on top.
23. Cortado
This is an aromatic, Spanish coffee served in a small cup containing half espresso, half milk.
Make a double shot of espresso and pour into a small cup; you’ll want dark, full-bodied espresso beans to make the coffee flavour stand out. Then steam 60ml of whole milk until it’s hot but not frothy. In some places, a Cortado will have more micro-foam to show off the Barista’s coffee artistry but it should only be a very thin layer if any.
Slowly pour the milk onto the espresso and serve – you can add sugar or syrups if you like it sweet.
24. Bicerin
Native to Turin, this hot drink is known for its layered appearance, which is why it’s always served in a glass. This can be made with sweet cocoa powder or even a mix of dark and white melted chocolate. If you want a healthy option, go for a 100% cacao powder, or very dark unsweetened chocolate.
Make one shot of espresso and put to one side. Add 110ml of milk and 45 grams of dark, semi-sweet chocolate to a pan and place on a low-medium heat. Whisk the mixture as it heats until the chocolate has fully melted and the mixture has a slightly foamy texture.
Pour the hot chocolate into a large glass, then pour the espresso on top – if you pour the espresso over the back of a spoon into the glass, it’ll create a distinctive layer. Then finish with as much whipped cream as your heart desires (and some chocolate shavings)!
25. Bosanska Khava
Bosnian coffee focuses more on how the coffee is brewed, rather than the coffee itself. Interestingly, it’s ground into an almost powder, much the same as Turkish coffee, therefore you can use Turkish coffee for this recipe.
The coffee is served in a cup the size of an espresso cup and it’s very strong so sip it slowly! No milk or sugar is generally added.
Add 1-2 teaspoons of coffee into a cezve, boil 90ml of water separately then combine and mix well.
Put the cezve on the stove and heat on low until foam rises and it’s almost boiled; remove from the stove, add a dash more boiled water then repeat the process until you have a smooth cream layer on top, which is vitally important – never serve Bosnian coffee without this cream layer.
Pour into a small serving cup, with the cream layer on top and serve immediately.
26. Doppio
A doppio is simply a double shot of espresso served without milk or cream and preferably without sugar in an espresso cup. You will need an espresso machine for this coffee. This is a perfect and simple way to kick-start your day with a tasty, caffeine-infused, strong coffee. This is a favourite among espresso lovers that want more of their beloved drink in the morning without changing the brew ratio, which would otherwise adjust the flavour extracted.
Pick your favourite espresso beans and freshly grind them to an espresso grind (very fine) and make sure you are using a portafilter basket that can take a double shot – typically 16-18gr of coffee. As with making espresso, you’ll want to measure and weigh your beans before putting them into your grinder, or weigh the grinds created.
Follow the instructions for espresso, and use double the amount of coffee. You are typically looking for an extraction of around 36-42 gr of espresso from 16-18gr ground coffee over a time of around 25-32 seconds for extraction.
As always with espresso, you’re looking for a balanced taste, and it can take considerable skill to perfect this.
27. Antoccino
Antoccino is a small coffee drink comprised of a single shot of espresso and steamed milk in a 1:1 ratio. There is no froth on this coffee. It’s delightfully strong yet sweet and is a perfect pick-me-up in the morning.
This a nice, simple recipe; simply pull one shot of espresso (full-bodied, dark beans are perfect as the milk will sweeten but not overpower the taste). Then steam 30ml of milk and pour on top – simple as that!
28. Shakerato
This is an iced, Italian coffee made simply with espresso, ice and sugar – it’s sweet and flavoursome and so refreshing on a hot day. It can be made with ice cream, flavoured syrups or try a shot of Bailey’s for an alcoholic twist.
Add 2 shots of espresso and 5-6 ice cubes into a shaker along with 1 tablespoon of sugar or a sweet syrup. Shake the mixture until the sugar has fully dissolved and it has a frothy consistency.
Strain into a martini glass and serve (feel free to add some whipped cream if you’re feeling adventurous).
29. Mocha
A mocha is a beautifully creamy and sweet coffee drink consisting of 1 part espresso, 2 parts steamed milk and sweetened with cocoa powder – it’s like a coffee and dessert all in one!
Pull two shots of espresso and add to a cappuccino-like cup – strong, dark roasted espresso bean like Robusta are perfect here as the milk and cocoa powder takes the edge off the bitterness.
Add 2 teaspoons of healthy cacao, or cocoa powder and a teaspoon of sugar for extra sweetness. Mix into the coffee and then steam 90ml of whole milk without creating too much foam. Pour into the cup allowing only a very thin foamy layer on top and dust with cocoa powder. Remember not to overheat the milk or that will burn away the natural sugars that add a level of sweetness, even without sugar.
Mocha’s have many variations; some people have 1 shot of espresso or use brewed coffee. Some use melted chocolate or syrups – even white – instead of cocoa powder. You can also add a dollop of whipped cream on the top for a deluxe version.
30. Macchiato
Macchiato is an Italian drink served in a very small glass. Macchiato means ‘stained’ or ‘marked’ which refers to the small dollop of foamed milk in the espresso, which stains the coffee.
Simply make a double shot of espresso and then foam a very small amount of whole milk, normally 1-2 teaspoons and add the small lump of foam on top. Serve in a small, espresso-type cup and enjoy!
31. Espressino
Espressino is a small Italian coffee made with equal parts espresso and steamed milk and is topped with a cocoa powder garnish.
Pour one shot of espresso and steam 30ml of whole milk. Add the espresso to a very small cup or shot glass and pour the steamed milk on top with a dusting of cocoa powder.
In parts of Italy, Espressinos are made in the same way but with a dollop of Nutella in the bottom of the glass making it sweeter and feeling more like dessert in a glass – yum!
32. Wiener Melange
Wiener Melange is a coffee drink from Vienna containing espresso, steamed and foamed milk. Mild espresso beans are most commonly used as it’s a very mild, milky, creamy coffee – it’s a bit of a blend of a cappuccino and a latte.
Pour one shot of espresso into a large serving cup or glass (like a latte glass) and prepare the milk. Steam roughly 170ml of whole milk – depending on the size of the serving cup – and make sure there is almost half steamed milk and half foam so we get a nice thick foamy layer on top.
Pour the milk over the espresso and feel free to garnish with some cocoa powder or cinnamon. You can even add whipped cream instead of the milk foam to make it even creamier.
33. French Press
The French Press is a common brewing style used all over the world as it’s quick and creates a full cup of dense, bold coffee so it’s perfect for that first cup of the day.
You can purchase a French Press in different sizes and this recipe is based on the smaller size of 340ml (12oz), which makes 1 cup of coffee. You’ll need course ground beans but in terms of what beans you buy, it’s down to preference. Generally, a darker roasted bean is used, since we’re going for a bold rather than delicate flavour.
We’re going to give you two methods here (bonus!). The first is the regular method and takes less time, the second is attributed to James Hoffman – a world champion barista, and makes a smoother full flavour.
Regular Method – Quicker
Add 1.5 tablespoons of coffee to the bottom of the French Press, pour 300ml of water, that has almost but not quite boiled, on top and stir. Put the lid on but don’t push down the plunger; leave it to brew for around 4 minutes then push the plunger slowly and serve.
Smooth Method – Smoother
As above, use the same course grind with the same quantity of coffee, pour in the ‘almost boiled’ water (we don’t want to burn the coffee), and stir. Then let it sit for 9 minutes with the lid resting on top, but not pushing down on the coffee. After 9 minutes, remove the lid and with a teaspoon, very carefully scoop off the coffee scum on the top and throw it away.
When all the coffee scum is removed, take put the lid back on and push it down just enough that it breaks the top of the coffee – but don’t push down. now carefully, without disturbing the sediment at the bottom, pour your delicious strong coffee into a cup. For best results pre-warm the cup by filling it with some hot water beforehand.
Either method can be served black, with milk or sugar.
34. Cold Brew
Cold Brew is simply coffee that is brewed with cold water. Cold brew is perfect to make in batches as it keeps in the fridge for a few days and you can use it to make fancy Frappe’s or you can have it hot in the morning – it’ll save you a lot of time!
To make a batch, add 2 litres of cold water and 200g of course ground coffee into a container (a jar or something similar) and whisk well. Cover and leave it in the fridge for around 12-18 hours depending on how strong you’d like it. The next day, strain/sieve into another large jar or individual sized containers and keep in the fridge.
When you next have a coffee craving you’ll have several servings ready to turn into any kind of coffee you like but remember, it will be strong!
35. Coffee Raf
This is a deliciously sweet, creamy coffee from Russia comprising of espresso, cream and vanilla sugar.
It’s dead simple to make, simply brew 1 shot of espresso, add to a pitcher along with 120ml of cream and 1.5 teaspoons of vanilla sugar. Heat all of the ingredients in the pitcher (or you can use a blender or whisk by hand) and it’ll create a creamy, foamy consistency and then pour into a glass or cup and enjoy.
Some places use less cream and add milk to the mix as well or if you don’t have vanilla sugar then normal sugar can work too.
36. Café Con Hielo
This is a simple, small Spanish drink, which is effectively espresso on ice. It’s served in a very small glass, often a shot glass and it’s not served with milk or cream. Strong, full-bodied espresso beans are recommended, Arabica beans are commonly used.
Make one shot of espresso (you can mix in a teaspoon of sugar here for sweetness) and pour over ice in a small glass – easy!
37. Kopi Tubruk
This is strong, bitter coffee from Indonesia but thankfully, it’s super simple to make so you can give it a try at home. Java coffee beans are a robusta bean from Indonesia so they’re the perfect choice for this coffee.
Add 2 teaspoons of fine to medium ground coffee into a mug, or if you want to be authentic, use a glass coffee mug. Add sugar if you’d like it sweet. Heat 200ml of water and add to the coffee but make sure you pour the water just as it’s coming to the boil. Stir the coffee and then allow it to sit for about 3-5 minutes. This way, the coffee grounds will stay at the bottom of the cup but don’t drink this ‘mud’ at the bottom as it’ll taste awful!
38. Flat White
A flat white is similar to both a cappuccino and a latte has it contains espresso and steamed milk but there’s no froth on a flat white. It was first referenced in Australia so this is where we assume it originated.
It is served in a cup smaller than a latte – think more like a traditional cappuccino with a 170ml (6oz) . There is a stronger espresso taste due to having less milk so choose an espresso bean that radiates the flavour that you love most. A Ristretto shot can be used if you want that flavour to really come through. A flat white is a good choice if you want a milk drink but are using nice quality arabica beans that has nuanced flavours you still want to detect.
Add 2 shots of espresso, then steam 120ml of whole milk – it should have a velvety, silky texture, more like a latte style milk rather than foamy like a cappuccino.
Pour the milk on top of the espresso from a little height, mixing it with circles so the milk goes to the bottom of the espresso and blends completely. Then enjoy!
39. South Indian Filter Coffee
South Indian Coffee is also known as Kappi and it’s a beautifully strong, aromatic coffee. This is one of the more intricate methods of coffee making we have come across, and we’ve not tried it yet, but it’s high on our list to try next. In the UK, we recommend this website which is dedicated to selling the beans and equipment you need to brew it. You can use any ground coffee that is course enough for a filter brew, but the robusta based beans of South Indian coffee is best to use to really capture the authentic taste.
Add 3-4 teaspoons (about 20gr) of coffee to the top chamber of the special Indian coffee filter and place the disk (acts as a tamper) gently on top and push down a bit. Leave it there in place. Boil 110ml of water and pour into the top vessel of the filter until it’s around ¾ full then cover with its lid and leave to brew. Now there’s a number of different opinions for how long you let it steep – some people say 10 minutes, others like Kaapi say 30 minutes! We tend to believe them even though it sounds like a long time for coffee to brew. The coffee will percolate and collect in the lower half of the filter.
Now pour half the brewed coffee into the tumbler that comes with your kit, and add just a small amount of sugar into the other half of the tumbler, 1/4 of a teaspoon will do.
Heat 80ml of whole milk in a pan until it just about boils. Add the milk to the tumbler with the sugar, now take that coffee in the other tumbler and pour it into the tumbler with the sweetened milk. Take that contents and pour it back into the now empty tumbler, and repeat a few times, pouring back and forth between tumblers, mixing the milky coffee totally.
That’s it, it doesn’t matter which tumbler you drink from – you’ve got yourself a hot sweet and milky South Indian coffee. It really sounds like something special we can’t wait to try.
40. Café De Olla
This earthy, spiced coffee is traditionally made using a clay pot, which is vital to capturing the taste of authentic Mexican coffee. It combines spices and sugar to create a spicy sweet but strong, aromatic coffee that will keep you warm on cold nights.
Combine 250ml of water, 21 grams of piloncillo (2.5 tablespoons of brown sugar is fine as a substitute) and 2 small cinnamon sticks into a clay pot. You can also add 1 clove, a pinch of anise seeds and a dash of orange peel for extra flavour; some places add these and some don’t.
Bring to the boil and stir then turn the heat down to medium-low and leave it to simmer for 5 minutes.
Remove from the heat and add 2 tablespoons of a medium to coarse grind dark roast; single origin Mexican coffee is perfect but it can be hard to get hold of so any dark roast of your choice. Cover the pot and allow the ingredients to steep for 5 minutes off the stove. Strain into a cup and serve.
41. Egg Coffee
This is a Vietnamese coffee that combines Robusta coffee with condensed milk, sugar and egg yolks. Although it seems strange to be adding egg to coffee, it gives it such a creamy texture – there’s a reason it’s drunk all over the world.
Add one egg yolk and 40ml of condensed milk into a bowl and whisk until it’s light, frothy and fluffy. Add a teaspoon of the coffee into this fluffy mix and whisk that in as well.
Put a double espresso into a coffee cup and dollop this fluffy, creamy froth on top. You can add grated chocolate if you want to go all out and then you’re ready to serve. Instead of using a double shot of espresso, you can use one standard cup of strongly brewed coffee either made in a French Press or drip coffee maker.
42. Espresso
Espresso is a strong coffee that acts as a foundation for many, many coffee drinks all around the world but it is a lovely aromatic, powerful coffee to enjoy on its own. A single shot of espresso makes around 30ml of liquid and it’s served in a very small ceramic cup or even a glass. Just make sure you warm your cups first because the temperature of the espresso will drop very dramatically if it goes into a cold cup.
You’ll preferably need to grind some fresh beans – buy those from a local roaster with a roast date within a month if possible. The typical Italian espresso is a dark roast Robusta based drink, but many people now enjoy medium roast speciality beans in an espresso.
An ‘Espresso Roast’ just usually means that it’s been roasted a bit darker, but you can use any beans in an espresso machine although extracting the flavours from different types of beans will take you years of practice (very enjoyable years).
A darker and bolder espresso bean is a more forgiving place to start your espresso making journey, and if you have an espresso machine with a ‘PID’ that allows you to set the temperature, you’ll want to try lowering the temperature for darker roasts and raising them for lighter roasts.
Perhaps the most important element of making a good espresso is having a good grinder – but we could make an entire article on this. Wait! we did – here it is!
Good espresso is the base of all espresso drinks, so learning how to make this well, will set you up for making many more delicious types of coffees.
43. Cuban Espresso
This is an espresso originating from Cuba… unsurprisingly! This is simply a sweetened espresso shot for those who love strong coffee but without the bitterness.
You’ll need a dark roast, ideally Cuban beans but Italian or Spanish roast are amazing as well. Add half a tablespoon of brown sugar into a cup and when brewing the espresso, add the first few drops into the sugar. Stir together vigorously while the rest of the espresso is brewing until you have a thick, sugary foam.
Add the espresso into a small cup and pop the sugar foam on the top and stir. Then you’re ready to serve.
44. Café Borgia
This is a beautifully sweet, rich Spanish coffee with a nice citrus twist to it. It’s simple to make and tastes amazing – it’s 100% a must try!
You’ll need 100ml of hot chocolate; this can be either hot milk mixed with sweetened cocoa or real melted chocolate, it’s up to you. Add this to 100ml of hot, Italian roast coffee and whip 30ml of cream to dollop on the top. Grate orange peel on top of the whipped cream as a garnish.
Serve with a straw and enjoy!
45. Lungo
The Lungo is one of the most misunderstood coffees in the espresso family. We can’t say that there is the ‘right or wrong’ way to make one, but we’ll tell you why we think you should try making it our way.
First, let’s explain that a Lungo is a larger coffee by volume than an Espresso. The question is how that volume is achieved. In most cafe’s the Barista will just continue to let a double espresso run until it has nearer 75ml instead of the 45ml for a double shot.
The trouble with this approach is that the grinder and espresso machine will be set up to extract the best taste for a 40ml output. When you just keep extracting, you’ll get an over-extracted brew which will taste bitter.
Others will pull a normal double shot and add water to top it up. This is better in our opinion, but there’s a better way still, which you can do at home quite easily if you have an espresso machine.
The key is to adjust your grind setting to be just a smidge courser than your normal setting for the espresso – this will slow the extraction down and the water will run faster through the courser grinds. Now, everything else stays the same – you run the shot for the same amount of time, around 30 seconds, but the shot will run faster – essentially under-extracting if it was a regular espresso. BUT, you’re looking for 75ml of coffee output not the normal 40ml, and this will balance out the flavour.
If you get this right, you’ll have a way to make a larger espresso coffee that is not overly bitter. It’s a great way to experiment with grind settings and understanding brew dynamics as well as, you know, having a delicious big cup of brew as a reward.
46. Black Coffee
Black coffee is simply coffee served without milk; this is traditionally made with instant coffee or in a French Press or drip coffee maker. There is no set recipe as everyone makes their coffee differently. In the west we may think that nobody drinks instant coffee any more, but in countries like Japan, this is still the most popular way to consume it.
For instant coffee, just add 1-2 teaspoons of instant coffee into a cup, pour over around 200ml boiling water and stir until dissolved. Add a teaspoon of sugar if you’d like it a little sweeter and that’s it… black coffee!
47. Iced Coffee
Iced coffee is, unsurprisingly… coffee on ice! This differs to cold brew as the coffee is made hot and either poured directly over ice or chilled then added to a glass of ice and milk if preferred. This is very popular all over the world and each country has its own name and variation.
You can make the coffee any way you like, there is no set recipe for this; you can make freshly brewed coffee in your French Press, drip coffee maker or even instant. For a quick fix, try instant coffee; simply add 2 teaspoons of coffee and sugar (if you want it sweet) in a cup and pour 200ml of boiling water on top. Stir until all the coffee and sugar is dissolved.
You can then leave this to cool, chill in the fridge or keep it hot and pour over a glass of ice cubes. Add 50ml of milk into the glass as well and serve with a straw and enjoy!
48. Café Bombon
This is a very small Spanish coffee that’s sweet, aromatic and beautiful to look at; it comprises only of espresso and condensed milk. The condensed milk is sweet so no sugar is usually added. Personally, if you haven’t tried coffee and condensed milk, stop everything and try it now. You’ll thank me.
One shot of espresso is poured into a small glass, almost like a shot glass then 30ml of sweetened condensed milk is added. Pour in the condensed milk slowly and gently and it’ll sink underneath the espresso creating two distinctive layers – which is why it’s served in a glass!
49. Mazagran
This is a cold, sweetened coffee that originally originates in Algeria but is not commonly drunk nowadays. Portugal’s variation has proved to be the most popular worldwide combining espresso with lemon and sometimes rum.
Fill a glass with ice and brew a standard cup of coffee anyway you like; either in French Press, instant or in a drip coffee maker. The coffee will be prepared differently in different cafes around the world. Then pour the coffee over the ice and add freshly squeezed juice from one lemon. Serve in a tall, thin glass with a wedge of lemon on the rim as a garnish and serve. You can add a shot (or two) or rum in for an extra kick in the afternoon.
50. Cafe Com Cheirinho
Café Com Cheirinho is a small Portuguese coffee with an alcoholic kick that is served as a digestif, which is an alcoholic beverage served after a meal.
It is simply one shot of espresso served in a small cup mixed with an alcoholic beverage, most commonly brandy. However, it can vary and some people even add wine or fruity brandy – whatever drink you prefer! In some places the coffee and brandy are served separately for the drink to decide if they wish to mix or drink them separately.
51. Ristretto
A Ristretto is known as a short shot and it’s the opposite of a Lungo, which is a long shot.
This is made with the same amount of coffee beans as an espresso but typically uses a slightly finer grind size which runs slower when extracted. The size of a Ristretto will vary from 15ml to 25ml so in most cafes, it’s only offered as a double shot. Double Ristretto’s are a favourite of mine as they have a better texture or ‘mouthfeel’ and the taste is intense. However, making them well can take a bit of practice as it’s easy to under-extract and be left with a small blotch of very sour tasting coffee.
I personally find the best flavours from medium roast fresh beans with fruity or floral flavour notes. Ethiopian or Burundi beans from Africa work well. The quantity of espresso grind you need will vary on the beans and your personal preference, but I tend to go big and use 20-21gr for which you’ll need a ‘triple shot’ basket. It’s important to use the correct amount of coffee your basket is designed for. If you only have a double basket, then use 18gr.
Now, grind a little finer than you normally would for a double shot and pull the shot for the same amount of time, 22-32 seconds. You’re looking for an ouput around the same or 1.5 times the amount of coffee grinds used. So if you used 21gr of coffee then you want about 21-30gr output over the 22-32 seconds.
Have fun experimenting, you’ll know when you get it right, because it will hit you like a big wet smack of taste in the face, and then you’ll be addicted like me. It’s also a great base for making flat whites.
52. Kopi Joss
This is a unique Indonesian coffee, otherwise know as charcoal coffee… there’s a reason why it’s called that!
The coffee is brewed in the same way as a Kopi Tubruk; it’s thick and strong with all the coffee grounds sitting at the bottom of the cup. However, once brewed they add a large lump of hot charcoal to the coffee, which sizzles and makes it almost boil over – it’s quite theatrical to watch. Now, I’m not sure how you’ll do this in your kitchen, but we’ll just say please be sensible.
You leave the charcoal in only for a few seconds then take it out with a spoon, if it’s left in too long, it’ll ruin the taste of the coffee. The charcoal gives it an almost burnt, sugary taste.
53. Kopi Turbalik
This is a unique Indonesian coffee that is well known for its presentation. Drinking this is more of an experience and people all over the world seek out cafés in Indonesia that sell this particular coffee.
The coffee is brewed in the same way as a Kopi Tubruk and it’s then placed in a glass and turned upside down onto a plate. A straw it tucked under the glass for the drinker to drink as it seeps out onto the plate.
So if you’re looking for a coffee experience that’s a bit different then seek out a Kopi Turbalik!
54. Café Del Tiempo
This is an iced, Spanish coffee where a glass of ice is provided in addition to the coffee. In Spain if you ask for any coffee ‘del tiempo’ then you will be given a glass of ice.
This is simply a standard brewed hot, black coffee, made in a French Press or drip coffee maker depending on the café. It’s served in a cup so the drinker can sweeten to their taste before pouring over the ice. It is sometimes served with a slice of lemon, which heightens the coffee flavour.
55. Einspänner
This is a beautifully rich and strong Viennese coffee that is wonderful to enjoy as an after meal sweet treat.
Pour a double shot of espresso in a small glass, you’ll want a nice strong, Italian dark roast to contrast the cream we’re going to put on top. Once the espresso is ready, whip 100ml of heavy cream with a whisk and add on top of the espresso. Dust with chocolate shavings or cocoa powder and serve with a straw.
This should be served in a small glass and not mixed; the coffee should be sipped through the cream.
56. Café Latte
A latte is an Italian drink made with espresso and steamed milk and it’s incredibly popular for its mild, creamy taste and texture. It’s served in a tall mug or glass and has lots of steamed milk and is topped with a little foam so the Baristas can show off their artwork.
Brew a single or double shot of espresso and pour into the serving glass; next, steam 150ml of whole milk using the milk stretching techniques you’ve learned late at night watching YouTube videos (don’t lie, you know you did). The key to latte is not the art, but having a good espresso base, and making the perfect steamed milk, that looks like wet paint and mixes smoothly with the espresso.
Most people make latte’s with a single espresso shot unless they’re making a particularly large latte, in which case two shots makes sense. The key when steaming the milk is to position the steam wand just below the surface on the side of the milk jug so you get a vortex swirling, but not bubbles. If too much air gets sucked in by the wand, you’ll end up with a very frothy milk that will be too thick to create that creamy experience you’re craving.
If you have a thermometer, then use it in the jug to ensure you stop steaming the milk at around 65 C when the lactase sugar in the milk will have been released.
Bonus tip – if you really want to practice latte art, but the thought of throwing all that milk away when practicing, makes you tear up in frustration, then just use water with a small drop of washing up liquid in the milk jug. You’ll quickly learn how to steam milk without the waste and cost!
57. Freddo Cappuccino
Freddo Cappuccino is just the same as an Espresso Freddo just with milk; it’s cold, refreshing and much creamier – it’s just delicious!
Just the same as before, add 2 shots of espresso in a shaker and shake with 5-6 ice cubes until they have melted (if you want sugar, dissolve it in the espresso). Add the coffee to a glass half filled with ice and then you need to froth the milk. Whisk 100ml of full fat milk in a bowl until thicker in texture and frothy.
Pour this over the espresso and dust with cocoa powder or ground cinnamon. You can even add a dash of vanilla extract or a sweet, flavoured syrup for something different.
58. Cowboy Coffee
As the name suggests, this was the method used by cowboys in North America. We’ve written a comprehensive guide to Cowboy Coffee here. The pots are quite large – mine is blue and speckled ceramic and fills about 4 cups. So it’s more of a group thing, ideal for camping. If you really want to be authentic, take green beans with you and roast them fresh in a pan before grinding them and putting the grinds into the pot.
Bring the water to a boil, add the ground coffee and let it steep for typically 3 to 5 minutes – experiment with what works with your beans and pot. Take it off the fire so it stops roiling and let it sit for a minute or two so the granules that are inclined to sink, go to the bottom of the pot. Now pour in some cold water, working your away around where the granules have collected and most of them will just sink to the bottom with the cold water. Now gently pour your smooth brew and allow yourself modest self-congratulation.
Thank you for sharing, I would like to try most of the coffee type that I haven’t tried before. Keep sharing amazing content.