MAPROLOC container picker


Maproloc Systems B.V. from The Netherlands launched a new unloading system for stripping containers, the CargoPicker.

The machine has a number of innovative features that allow a single operator to rapidly unload high volumes in a short time. The company states the benefits as, significantly reducing manpower and physical labour.

They also point to a number of additional health and safety advantages, while financial calculations show the machine can reduce costs and pay for itself.

In addition, the company points to environmental credentials – the CargoPicker comes in both hybrid and full electrical versions.

2 strong employees are normally required to unload a sea container, which can be replaced by the CargoPicker and a single operator. This, combined with what the company terms as ‘keen’ pricing and significant cost reduction, leads to a short return period and a good return on investment.

There’s a short video showing it in action below:

Unloading 400 bags of coffee per hour is a straightforward and safe operation for the CargoPicker. Integration into logistic systems is easy, and it is deployable on every terrain, warehouse or barn.

If your business depends on loading quantities of coffee bags or cocoa bags, the CargoPicker offers a safe and environmentally friendly solution that is worth considering.


  1. Laura Melissa Caicedo

    Hola, Buen día,

    Cordial Saludo;

    Solicito de manera atenta información sobre EL RECOLECTOR DE CARGA LIMPIA.
    Trabajo en el área de Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo de una empresa que descarga sacos de cacao de 50 kilogramos y estamos bastante interesados en conseguir una ayuda mecánica que facilite la actividad y que no sea riesgos para los trabajadores.

    Quedo atenta.

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