Ghana sets its sights on increasing coffee production by more than 300 per cent to boost exports. Every year, the West African country produces approximately 10,000 tonnes of coffee for the domestic market.
The Ghanaian governmental organisation Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD), which is responsible for the oversight of the country’s Cocoa production, also regulates coffee. Their website states their goals, which include “Assist in the development of the cocoa, coffee and shea nut industries of Ghana.”
COCOBOD recently announced that they want to see an increase in coffee production. It claims that coffee may thrive in the same conditions as Cocoa and can even be planted in cocoa-growing areas. Choosing your planting strategy is crucial to the success of intercropping cocoa.
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More than 600,000 coffee seeds will be distributed by COCOBOD to farmers. By doing so, the board believes that it will be able to increase crop production from 10,000 to 50,000 tonnes each year.
Compared to Cocoa, which provides a significant contribution to the country’s GDP, Ghana’s coffee business is largely undeveloped. The country has an eye on the coffee industry, which is valued at around $100 billion on a global scale.
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Ethiopia and Uganda produce the majority of Africa’s coffee, which is mostly exported and processed outside the continent. Ghana’s government has stated that it intends to add value to the commodity by assisting farmers in the processing of coffee before exportation. Their goal of 50,000 tons per annum, if reached, would bring them in line with the production from Kenya.
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Photos source: jbdodane | Flickr