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Can coffee help this cat?

Can Coffee help this cat?

Fox News has an article which sites a report from Scientists at the University of Illinois which found that by drinking coffee you can limit weight gain and cholesterol production, even if you have a diet high in fat and sugar.

The researchers fed a group of rats a diet that consisted of 40 to 45% carbs and a relatively small 15 percent protein over a four week period. The animals were also given a tea rich in phytochemicals, flavonoids and amino acids. The amount of caffeine per serving ranged from 65 to 130 milligrams.

There are limitations to the weight that can be put behind a study that lasted only 4 weeks, but nevertheless, the findings were interesting and tend to corroborate other studies

At the end of the study, the researchers confirmed that the rats with the higher caffeine dose had a significantly lower amount of body fat. They determined that caffeine reduced fat absorption by 22 percent and reduce weight gain by 16 percent. (It was not reported whether the caffeinated rats were able to get more work done however).

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