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Precipitations in the Haut-Sassandra region, Ivory Coast

The Haut-Sassandrá region of Ivory Coast has received enough rainfall to cover the needs of the plants, but not enough to withstand a hypothetical dry spell.

This region has received 30% less rainfall than the norm in the last two months and it has not accumulated any water resilience so far.

In general, this would be a critical situation, but during the little dry season, this region is usually one of the wetter cocoa regions in the country. Therefore, it is sufficient that during the next 60 days there be a minimum of  3 mm/day of rain (30% less than what usually falls) to ensure that the potential of the main crops is not affected by the little dry season.

However, given the current state, even a brief dry spell of 15 days will potentially threaten production.

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