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World Coffee Events

The Rules and Regulations for the 2020 World Coffee Championship season are now at This release focuses on standardizing rulesets across all the individual competitions, including clearer formatting, competitor requirements, and appeals processes.

Over the past year, volunteer committees for each of the competitions met to create strategic plans for each of their competitions. The new strategic directions will be implemented starting in the 2021 rules cycle; the 2020 rules are focused on standardization.

This year has also seen substantial work done to improve support and quality control structures for Competition Body-level competitions (formerly “National Body”), and for WCE Representatives. You can read more about that work in the Competition Body (CB) announcement here.

There are three changes in this year’s rules, across all competitions:

  1. A new, clearer complaint structure for issues arising during CB championships has been introduced. This is part of the broader work being done to clarify roles, and more clearly support competition bodies and WCE Representatives.
  2. Some edits were made to clarify when a competitor is allowed to act as a calibration barista or judge, and when they cannot. Most restrictions are found within the definition of competitions year.*
  3. Competitors may only participate in competitions for one sanctioned Competition Body per WCE Competition year. A competitor must hold a passport from that competition body, or have held residency in the Competition Body for 24 months, including some portion in the the last twelve months. This applies across all barista, brewers, latte art, and any other competition the competitor may take part in during that competition year.

In addition to those changes across all competitions, there have been a few changes made to improve logistics:

Rules for all of the World Coffee Championships are available here:

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