We consumer over 500 billion cups of coffee worldwide each year—it’s one of the most popular rituals on the planet. But for those of you with a dark roast soul, there’s good news. Drinking dark roast coffee is really good for your brain.
That’s right, recent research published in Frontiers in Neuroscience suggests that dark roast has tremendously powerful neuroprotective properties that help to fight off the cognitive decline that can accompany aging. The study, from Krembil Brain Institute, tested a gamut of potentially beneficial compounds within light roast, dark roast and decaf coffees.
In all the coffees tested, researchers found clusters of powerful compounds, known as phenylindanes. These compounds are not only strongly antioxidant, but they seem to be highly effective when it comes to stopping the thickening and buildup of amyloid-beta proteins and tau proteins in the brain—two dangerous proteins that are considered hallmark signs of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
While many compounds contribute to coffee’s brain benefits, researchers believe that the effect of phenylindane is incredibly noteworthy and may help researchers further develop effective treatments for cognitive decline in the future. Dark roast coffees, or coffees that have been roasted for longer periods of time, were found to be denser in phenylindanes than light roasts, making them a better choice for brain health.
Interestingly, these are also the compounds responsible for creating a bitter taste in your coffee. So, if you like it strong and bitter, you’re on the right track. Of course, those who love light roasts also get to enjoy these beneficial compounds, but in smaller quantities.
And even more good news—both caffeinated and decaffeinated dark roasts were shown to be equally as effective in stopping harmful protein buildup in research. So even if you are caffeine-sensitive, you can reap the neuroprotective benefits of dark roast coffee by opting for decaf.
Of course, more research is needed in order to truly uncover the role of phenylindanes in cognitive decline, but for dark roast lovers, the future looks promising.
This doesn’t mean you have an excuse to down six cups of coffee each day. Your best bet is to drink coffee in moderation. Keep it to one to three cups a day—and if you’re highly sensitive to caffeine, stick to Swiss water processed decaf. Enjoy your morning brew, and rest assured that your favorite ritual of the day comes with some major brain benefits.
This article source is from:
www.care2.com, by Jordyn Cormier
I work as a lecturer at a Bible study school for adults, and I was thinking of serving our visitors dark roast coffee once I’ve bought the supplies. I found it quite interesting when the article mentioned that this kind of roast is quite effective in stopping the thickening and buildup of amyloid-beta proteins and tau proteins in the brain, two of the most dangerous proteins that contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. I’ll keep this in mind while I look for a dark roast coffee supplier to contact soon.