The Cocoa Newscast is out in full stereo beauty. Give your ears a treat and listen below, or go to the Podcasts/Cocoa News Cast page.
If you click on the icon that looks like a bullet list on the podcast, you will see chapter markers, so you can jump straight to a story you’re interested in.
You can now also subscribe to the Cocoa Newscast on many podcast applications, including the iTunes store and Spotify.
To jump to specific chapters, click on the chapter button below and choose the chapter you want. See diagram below:
Step 1
Hover your mouse or click on the podcast and you’ll see some controls show at the bottom.
Step 2
Click on the icon that looks like a list, and you’ll see a list of the stories in the audio. Just click on the one which you’d like to listen to, and it will jump straight to that story and start playing.